


What is Ectropion?
Ectropion is an outward rolling of the eyelid exposing the conjunctiva, potentially preventing complete closure of the eyelids (termed lagophthalmos). The lower eyelid is usually affected, commonly due to an excessively long eyelid opening. Sometimes patients with long eyelids may also have entropion (an inward rolling of the eyelids) in one or both eyes.

Pre-disposed Breeds
Ectropion can be seen in all breeds of dogs. The condition can be seen most commonly in the Bassett Hound, St. Bernard, Bloodhound, Great Dane, Newfoundland, Bull Mastiff, and several spaniel breeds. Many of these dogs are bred for their “droopy eyed” appearance.


Determining whether a pet needs surgical correction is done with an examination by a family veterinarian or veterinary ophthalmologist. In some cases, ectropion does not require treatment. However monitoring is essential; long lower eyelids can be pockets for debris, discharge, and irritation. If conjunctivitis or corneal disease are present because of the ectropion, medical, and often surgical, correction is recommended.  There are many surgical procedures used to correct entropion and the surgeon will determine the best plan. In most cases, only one procedure is necessary to correct the eyelid conformation. In complicated cases, especially cases with eyelid scarring or previous trauma, multiple surgeries may be required to obtain successful results.